Announcing the launch of the Capella Regalis Girls Choir

Help us raise $20,000 through our Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign during the month of July 2022 and offer a free music education to girls ages 7-13!


Capella Regalis Men & Boys Choir was founded by director Nick Halley in 2010 as a free, mentor-based music training program for boys. Capella Regalis is now fulfilling a long-time dream of theirs and adding a parallel choir for girls. As with the Men & Boys Choir, the Girls Choir will provide a completely free music education for youth from various backgrounds.


Choristers in the Capella Regalis Girls Choir will receive weekly rehearsals in which they develop the skills of listening, focus, vocal production, and music literacy. They will engage with the finest repertoire of the last 1,000 years from all over the world. They will sing Evensongs and concerts in the gorgeous acoustic of Halifax’s Cathedral Church of All Saints. They will have the opportunity to participate in concert tours, choir camps, and collaborative projects with other musicians. Vanessa Halley, the Executive Director of Capella Regalis, will serve as the inaugural musical director of the Girls Choir.


We need your help. Phase 1 of our Girls Choir Start-Up fundraising campaign requires raising $20,000 in the month of July through our crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo. To contribute, please click on THIS LINK between July 1 (Canada Day) – July 31, 2022. Or visit our Contribute page for instructions on how to make a tax-deductible contribution to Capella Regalis at any time.


If you know a girl who likes to sing, please contact Vanessa at, or visit the Auditions page on the Capella Regalis website. We are currently scheduling auditions for girls ages 7 – 13 to begin in September 2022.